O-Rings Sets

KeepFill U.S

KeepFill U.S.是美国制造,专注于精密螺丝,螺栓,螺母,销子等的紧固件生产制造,早已是行业模范,主要用于军工装甲车坦克、建筑工程、农用机车等领域。作为工厂自动化供应链新秀——爬爬网,与KeepFill合作多年,致力于为日益强盛的中国制造提供设备零件。
型号 规格 价格 数量 操作
40-490 Buna-N90 O-RINGs-1/16",3/32",1/8"
40-491 Buna-N90 O-RINGs-1/16"
40-492 Buna-N90 O-RINGs-3/32"
40-493 Buna-N90 O-RINGs-1/8"
40-494 Buna-N90 O-RINGs-3/16"
40-495 Back-up Buna-N 90 Washers-3/32"
40-495-1 Back-up Buna-N 90 Washers-1/8"
40-495-2 Back-up Buna-N 90 Washers-3/16"
40-497 Air Conditioning O-Rings,O-Rings for R12 and R134a Refrigerant Systems - Blue and Green
40-497-1 Green Air Conditioning O-Rings
40-498 Air Conditioning O-Rings,O-Rings for R12 and R134a Refrigerant Systems - Blue, Black and Green
40-498-1 Sealing Washers
40-500 O-Rings-1/16",3/32",1/8"
40-501 O-Rings-1/16"
40-502 O-Rings-3/32"
40-503 O-Rings-1/8"
40-504 O-Rings-3/16"
40-505 O-Rings-1/8",3/16"
40-505-1 Quad O-Rings
40-506-1 O-Rings For Caterpillar Equip.Face Seal & O-Ring Boss

美标通用销钉| 美标铆钉| 欧标紧定螺丝| 欧标垫圈| 欧标常用螺母| 欧标六角连接螺母| 楼承板| 滚筒| 直读光谱仪| 滤筒除尘器| 线切割

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